AGELESS Mind Body Performance

AGELESS Mind Body Performance

Aging and Fitness does not have to be complicated or frustrating. And it doesn’t have to be an “All or Nothing” approach. Getting and staying fit, healthy, and energized, in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond requires four simple things, Mindset, Strategy, Implementation, and Desire. If you’re lacking any one of these, it may be why your efforts have been met with lackluster results. The Ultimate Body Quest series with National Bodybuilding Champion and Bestselling Author Tom Terwilliger and Epigenetic Mind/Body Coach Dawn Terwilliger is about creating a 2nd Half Renegade Mindset and an achievable map to exploring your true potential through the power of Psychology, Nutrition, Training, Hormones, and “Anti-Aging” fitness.

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AGELESS Mind Body Performance
  • Tom Terwilliger shares a simple strategy for reversing your biological age.

    When you think of someone in their 70s or 80s what image comes to mind?
    Based on the “Stereotype Embodiment Theory” the stereotypes we hold in our cognitive banks are very likely forming the maps of our personal aging process. These Negative “Age-associated, beliefs and stereotypes” may be all t...

  • Is Fight or Flight Overwhelming Your Recovery?

    We power through our workouts, gulp down post-workout drinks, pills, potions, and concoctions, rush back to our cars, into traffic, and back to whatever we need to do next. All without giving a 2nd thought to what our body needs and is screaming for. BREATH, silence, and relaxation. If your work...

  • Hide, Survive, Attack? Which Do You Choose?

    Regardless of age, your results in and out of the gym will depend in large part on your attitude. Attitude > Aptitude > Altitude. In this episode of AGELESS Mind Body Performance Coach Tom Terwilliger shares the three primary attitudes that can either make or break your efforts. These “attitudes”...

  • AGELESS: Don’t Go Catabolic!!! Coach Tom Terwilliger

    AGELESS: Don’t Go Catabolic

    After a certain age, it becomes surprisingly easy to overtrain, under-recuperate, and find yourself in a chronic catabolic, muscle-wasting disaster. The body's natural recovery functions tend to slow down as we age. As a result exercising at a high level of intensity...

  • The High Achievers AGELESS Mindset

    It can support, accelerate, or sabotage our most sincere efforts to break free of mediocrity or to achieve greatness. The athletes, entrepreneurs, and high achievers that have mastered it reap the rewards. As we age it can determine our quality of life, joy, happiness, and success. Host Tom Terwi...

  • Navy Seal Doc Reveals Longevity Performance Secrets: Part 1

    Anti-Aging: Tom Terwilliger's Interview with former Navy Seal Dr. Kurt Parsley, Part 1: We all want it now, the effortless anti-aging, longevity quick fix. You know...the laser, the hyperbolic chamber, plastic surgery, the life transforming psychedelic drugs. But what about getting back to a "He...

  • Part II: Navy Seal Doc, Longevity Performace Secrets

    Anti-Aging/Longevity: Part II of Tom Terwilliger's Interview with former Navy Seal Dr. Kurt Parsley, We all want it now, the effortless anti-aging, longevity quick fix. You know...the laser, the hyperbolic chamber, plastic surgery, the life transforming psychedelic drugs. But what about getting b...

  • No More Potbelly...Here's How!

    As the male of the species, we’re proud of who we are as men. Especially if we workout and make a daily effort to stay young and look our best. But when it comes our ever growing “potbelly’s” patting ourselves on the back and saying “that-a-boy” just doesn’t cut it any longer. Neither does passi...